Web Technologies

Frontend – 4 x 2 Image Grid

I recently decided to keep reusable front end components in CodePen. That way I have access to them and can share them easily. Here’s the first one I built. It’s a full width 4 x 2 Image grid with a subtle animation on hover. The code pen is embedded below but should you want to […]

Today I Learned, Web Technologies

Emmet Toolkit

When someone says “Emmet” to you what come to mind? Your answer might depend heavily on your age. I think of this guy… If you are a little younger or have kids you might be picturing this guy… Although both these guys could help you out I’ve recently discovered an even more helpful Emmet. What […]

Web Technologies

An Introduction to Cloudinary

I thought today I’d do a quick introduction to Cloudinary. Cloudinary is a SAAS product I’ve been using for a few years now to handle all of my ‘digital assets’. By ‘digital assets’ I mean images, although they do handle videos too. It’s somewhere to store all your images and videos.. “But we can just […]